Hello and welcome! I’m Carolyn, the owner of Lady & Little Bug (DBA for Carolyn Nealen Cloth, LLC). Big Sky country (aka Montana), is where my family and I live. Peter, my husband, is very supportive, but his eyes do glaze over when I start to talk about fabric...much as mine do when he talks about gun furniture. He loves to help build shelves and displays though! Henry likes to collect all the scraps and help sew.
My business started in May of 2013, when Henry decided he wanted to be Mr. Independent. In late 2014 I began the transition from children's accessories to clothes. The leggings I carry are the result of a customer's request and were the item that set me on the path to making clothing. I am continually looking for new products or ways to improve existing ones and am very open to suggestions.
Cotton is the name of the game for me, specifically American- milled, organic cotton. This is in part due to my own choice and in part due to my mother's wonderful influence. She insisted on natural fibers for clothing and is an organic gardener. I use mainly American-made, organic cotton, because I want to support our economy. You will find a few exceptions, as India is one of the largest producers of organic cotton and I have yet to find an American source for woven, organic fabrics.
In fall of 2018, I experienced a miscarriage, after my husband and I had been trying for another child for five years. Working with baby and toddler items simply became too difficult so, in July of 2019, I closed Lady & Little Bug.
Thank you so very much for all your support!
Photo credit: Simple Reflections Photography